Sunday, September 7, 2008

Maha 2008 !

Maha 2008, an agricultural based expo which was held throughout August attracted almost thousands of people. I was quite surprised when the JKR people kind of "repaired" the road heading to MARDI somewhere near June or July.But it was all for a cause, MAHA 2008! Thank god Maha exist man, if not the road will still be without proper road and road lights which will get my nerves riding my bike back to my Kolej. Okayy, enuff of being sarcastic, let me dictate thru' pics. :P
It seems this food is popular back in Johor....neva heard bout it even after 16 years stayin Thanx to Cheong Hong who bought this 4 me...and thx 4 the ice-blended cappuchino.! hehe

Back in other places, it' seems this food is alcoholic! People call it....forgot d la! Not bad la the taste, but u'll reach the treshold eatin only 3/4 of this. haha

Chua dealin' wit one of the shopkeeper bout the plants...she seems interested in him! hehe
Cheong Heong has the charms! :p

Bought this!
And this!!!

But not this! Mahal la braderrr...

The front view of the shop that sells this exotic plants frm Cameron Highlands.

Me wit' a really really large bonzai!

FAMA going tech savvy man! Chua's on it....wonder if Kedah has it!? lol

The plants that we bought taken in my room with k17 backdrop!~ lol...nice pic ryte?! see la who

poor insects and and Chua went on a hunt for this around blok D to feed our flytrap and hookeriana.

I bought this as seems it's made out of camel's milk! hmmmm, sounds exotic doesn't it!~

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