Hell yeahh, im really feeling the urge to post on this coz it really brought a very significant difference in me! I really mean it.
Ok here it goes, as many know its Deepavali on the 27th Oct, I was still around in UPM and many wondered why. And Heeellllloooooo(diva style!~), Im Indian + my mum's a Hindu + I have the name ARWIN at the back and hence I have every reason to celebrate Deepavali! n there are ppl still askin me, "hey Gary, u celebrate Deepavali ar? Happy Deepavali AnYway" haha...i dun blame em, unless my name starts with Arwin (sounds more like an Indian than Gary). ANd yeahh, as I was mentioning, I didnt go back as I had some problems and sorry to some(mum, housemates and collegemates) coz I bluff all the way thru till the eve of Deepavali. :)
I tot it gonna be a Festival without Light but i was proved wrong, thanks to these people:-
BungNicholasSeowAh SoonAnnasPaan.....who were there for me to cheer me up since I didnt go back to celebrate this wonderful day wit my parents. Here how it goes...
On the 26th Oct, its one of my buddy's Birthday....Annas Bin Salled. We planned to do a surprise for him in it kicked off at night where I was the ajk kek dan pelaksana for the surprise thingy...so at 8 pm like tat, i went to Serdang bakery to buy a cake 4 and guess wat happend, fcukin hillarious...read below:
An encounter wit the kakak at the bakery shop...Kak Bakery: ya adik, nak beli apa?Gary: nak beli kek la kak utk member nya birthdayKak Bakery: Owhh, ok, pilihlah, ada banyak jenis nie..Gary: Eeerrmmm, kak...antara kek-kek kat sini, yang mana lambat "lebur" ?!At this time, the kakak gave me a cock stare lookin at me weirdly as i wondered why..Kak Bakery: U mean kek yang lambat CAIR ker??!!!Gary: ALamak...ye la kak, Cair Cair...Lebur pulak. Sorry kak...:Pat this point of time, I was really pai sehh to the max and other shopkeepers at the bakery laughed at me d! DAMMMNNN!!!...~haha, i quickly paid 4 it and chow from that place...Malu siall!~Then we had the surprise 'party' for Annas at his house and sempat pulak we framed Seow! haha...just 4 fun ek Seow! Ok ma, Ami cun mah! hahaa..lol....And we're glad coz Annas loved the present we bought him! :)
Just received his present...see how happy is he..lol WTF??! Annas punye present... And durin that night, Nicholas went out 4 a date owhh!
haha, n he really touched my heart as he returned back...as he entered the door, he said...
"Garryyy! Today we countdown Deepavali" as he took out a bottle of sparkling juice ! Wallaaaooo...Thanks ya bro! Seow pulak plan to buy mercun to make the atmosphere more cheerful but I said no need la since we are inside the college..thx ya!
I had a wonderful countdown wit them and woke up next morning feeling cheerful...Then Bung brought us out for lunch in Bangi the next day...
And at the same time too, i would like to tell thanks to Bung ! He knew i was feelin down coz i was unable to go back, so he brought me along to his frens hse, SIva in Subang for me to be able to have the Deepavali feel! Eventho' i've neva seen em before, but bung n his fren treated me as one of em!
Me, and Bung in Siva's hse with his other mates...Thanks also to Prem and Priya akka who tapau for me Deepavali biscuits and Puttu Mayam which even strengthen's my feeling on Deepavali! Forgot to take the pic, before I realise, me and my frens sapu habis the foods! lol...
And also to Yi Pei! My dear lovely beautiful fren who gave me a Deepavali Card...which I get only once in 10 years! haha....love ya Yi Pei!~