My house punya internet connection cocked up n I dont have any idea why I can't online from my home, so here I am bloggin from a cybercafe near my house! Dammmnnnn, it's been a while since I came to a cybercafe, I remember comin here after skipping school to play counter strike with my school frens! lol, it's good to be back!....Anyway, as I opened my mail here just now, I received this little piece of email SHIT from it goes~
"Thanks for your participation.
We are glad that you put in your effort for this contest. Sadly you are not being shortlisted. However you can be the judge and vote for your favorite dance video. Be a part of this exhilarating event!
Your vote may decide who is the Finalist for the Malaysia final GATSBY Styling Dance Contest. Contest winner will fly on an all-expense-paid trip to compete in the GATSBY Styling Dance Asia in Tokyo, Japan on 28th February 2009."
How come?! Why it got rejected? They know how susah payah n hardwork it caused for me to take the video!? I troubled a lot of people in the process...myself, Geo, Bung, Seow and some others!
First of all...I didn't want to enter the competition and it was a last minute decision while having a 5 minutes break during my Geriatric examination!
Secondly, I SPRAINED my leg before the video shoot took place..I playd soccer as usual that evening with my frens at the padang but u know the uneven field in k17 padang...! I sprained as a result...AND IT AFFECTED ME DURING THE VIDEO SHOOT! DAMMNN!~
Thirdly...I gave a lot of trouble to Geo and Bung in the process...Geo helped me to record the video using Bung's camera...and i told him before that the process will only take 10-15 minutes. but it ended up almost 1 HOUR due to some limitations! but he kept on sayin, "it's ok bro, u just take ur time, i'll b ur man to record the video no matter how long it takes" SORRY Geo...and then i had Bung to help me with the editing part...he was in a rush 4 his exam as well, and he still did a very quality editing 4 me coz i did it last minute! Imagine he edited on the last day of the video submission date! Thanks a lot Bung n sorry the vid didnt go thru!
And now, I need a simple reason why it got rejected! HHHAAAAIIIHHHZZZZZ.....Dammnn Sad!
Striking up-close views of beautiful flowers
6 months ago
Hi Gary, cheer up cheer up~ I know you are good, and next time can try somemore~just take it easy and enjoy ur holiday~ everyone ll still support u~ ^0^
dun be's not that u've been rejected by a at so you think you can dance la bro.XD
owh, now i know the truth. you acted all goody goody boy in front of mummy but rupa-rupa u got skip class for Counter Strike.
anyways, gary. i told you many times before, 'not everyday is a sunday' and you got all the right to be angry but life never been fair.
p/s: i got some contact for NTV7 casting for some new drama and looking for 3 indian boys actor, will tell you when i get more info.
y SAy SORRY>>>>>??????
u nOe how ProUd i am to b part of d viDeomaking..u noe watever happen, i still sUpport u my Fren!!!2hour ke, 1 week ke..i just Dun CAree...i'm oWeZ willing to help ma!!
Dun b sAd bROOooo..They jusT "TERLEPAS" a rising sTar...!!i believe in u bRO!
allu's ok la...they juz x know what they're missing me,they'll regret it....anyhow,thnx 4 d info...happy holiday ;)
ala adik....
dont b sad la kayh..maybe its not your luck now..maybe it'll be tomorow, a bigger event ke..who knows kan?dont b sad kayh..everyone knows u r a great doubt..cheer up kayh adik!~
Thanks Alice 4 ur support! I will sure try next tyme...have fun durin ur practicals! :)
Tagem: Ya hor...bukannya kena reject wek thing, so u think u can dance is wat im aiming 4! hehe
Kevin: Dun tell mummy or papa bout the ponteng school thingy k, or i'll kantulkan ur winston light thing to them! haha..serious? NTV7? let me know kay...:)
Geo: Thanks a lot bro 4 the support! And i read the post in ur blog! hehe
Scholas: Thanks scholas..i wont be sad anymore! hehe
Shezeen: Ya hor...may b i missd this coz im goin to win in a bigger stage(dream on gary)!haha...Thanks a lot anyway kakak iparku tersayang! ;)
Thanx 4 reposting the vid. I watched it, n thot "WHO NEEDS GATSBY?"
Tho i may have a reason y they rejected ur vid... maybe its becuz u put the hair wax on the floor, so they were like offended. Lol.
But most importantly, keep up the good work, n don't let that bring u down. After all---
Take care,
Marie Palikat
Ya hor Marie..maybe coz they are offended wit, anyway, as u said "who needs Gatsby?" haha..thx 4 the cheer Marie ;)
but xpe better luck next time. Where's the vid? mau tgk juga
sudah. sudah jumpa. hehehe..
Haha...u got it b4 im able to tell u
the winnder is out d!
u saw theirmoves?
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