Saturday, June 14, 2008

When Indian machas turun for some snooker action!~

Haha, as from the title above, u must have figured out ryte! lol. Anywayz, snooker was not my thing till i was form 4 or 5 when i first had my touch on that cue and snooker table! Used to skip saturday classes and tutions for this man! lol. Can't be said an expert la, but gaya tu ada la! The last time i played was durin my form 6 time, and after more than 2 years gap, im there again. This time with sinju Keshminder Singh and Tanaraj. Learned some new terms and techniques like 'sodakkk' and ****** way to sharpen using the chalk(watch the video). Really TOP CORNER ler!~ :P

This bastard gaya jer lebih!~

Haha...****** macha!

Somehow ny arranged the balls! Experts, correct or not the arrangements?!
After that went to Madam Kun's cafe...Tana ordered Almond Tea which really tasted like Antibiotic! Uuuwweeekkk...~

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